
Sunday, January 6, 2019

Activity 1: Off the Menu

This post is about why we should stop fishing this is for SLJ hope you enjoy.


  1. Hi Koshik

    I really like how you said you feel bad for fishing but what else do you think they fish for is it just fish or other stuff? and I also like how you put a picture which goes with your post

    Next time you could more detail of why people should not fish and I have another question how would you react if the government has ban fishing and you just saw someone fishing

    This reminded me off the stores which sell fish and the fishes are not even cooked up so they can't see the eyes but we can and today I saw fishes cutted up at a supermarket

    Keep up the good blogging :)

    1. Hey Mehakpreet,

      Nice job leaving a thoughtful comment on Koshik's blog page and recommending him with some good suggestions. For this I can reward you with two extra bonus points. Keep up the great conversation!



  2. Kia Ora Koshik,

    Well done for completing another SLJ activity. Thanks for sharing with us your opinion on fishing. It is sad for the fish to be taken out of their natural habitat and used as a source of food for us humans. Although, the rule of overfishing directly applies to people who are greedy and take too many fish from our oceans, rivers and lakes. If we only fish the right amount then we will always have a source of fish in these waters. As you said, 'fish are a part of life' so it is important we maintain a healthy level of fish in our environment. Do you like fish? Is there a specific type of fish you like in particular?

    I'm curious to find out more about your opinions on fishing.
    I look forward to reading your response.


