
Sunday, January 20, 2019

Activity 1: Persistent Pollution

Three things that i learnt about air pollution

  1. Some air pollution come from natural sources
  2. Some air pollution can come from humans like greenhouse gasses
  3. and air pollution can be caused from smog

This post is about what 3 things i learnt about air pollution this is for SLJ hope you enjoy

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Koshik,

    Nice work completing this Summer Learning Journey activity, 'Persistent Pollution'. That was a pretty cool video about air pollution, they make it so easy to understand some of the key facts about pollution within our eco-system. How did you find the video? Thanks for sharing with us the three facts you've learnt about air pollution from the video. You're right, some air pollution can come from natural sources, do you know what some of these natural sources are?
    Each of your facts tie nicely into each other, humans burn through lots of emissions in order to live the way we do, resulting in the high amount of green house gases which effect our ozone layer. Green house gases produce smog, and this smog also effects the quality of our air and pollutes our eco-system. These things are very important to remember when we reflect on our environment. What do you think we can do as a community to reduce the amount of air pollution?

    I look forward to reading more of your blog entries!


