
Monday, December 23, 2019

SLJ Day 1 activity 2 week 1

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Koshik,

    My name is Laura and I work for the Summer Learning Journey. I'm enjoying reading your blog posts! You have done lots of the Summer Learning Journey activities already - well done!

    I found it interesting to read about your cultural background. It's really cool that you talked about where your mum and dad are from and that they can speak more than one language each - that is so clever! I learned Spanish for a while, but I don't speak it very well and I still find it hard to understand Spanish speakers who speak really fast!

    What else is important to you about your cultural backgrounds? Do you celebrate any special festivals? Do you eat food from the Philippines or India?

    I hope you can learn the languages your parents speak one day too!

    Best wishes,
