
Monday, January 6, 2020

SLJ Day 5 activity 2 week 3


  1. Hey Koshik,

    Fortnight is pretty cool aye. I tried to get it on my computer but it ran really slowly, I have a switch I could put it on but I'm not really that bothered with FPS games.

    Did you know that the story mode is based off of how the game was originally designed before battle-royales' became a huge thing and they changed the game? It was just supposed to be a co-op base builder and hoard defence game at first. Your post is really detailed and the picture looks awesome. It's great to see you have done lots of posts, keep it up.

    Daniel :)

  2. Hi Koshik

    I really like how you put a picture of Fortnite in the slide and you gave us a lots of information I think someone can learn the game in seconds after they read it. You did a really good job of explaining how to play Fortnite. I like the vocabulary you used like loot,location,pvp and lots more words and those words make your text super interesting.

    I also used to play this game but I'm not such a fan of this game anymore because theirs a bit of violence and I'm don't like playing games with fighting and guns inside it.

    Keep up the great work :)
    By Mehakpreet
