
Sunday, January 5, 2020

SLJ Day 3 activity 2 week 3


  1. Hi Koshik

    I can see that you learnt something interesting and I like that picture of a 3d printed hand on the side it looks so creative and it relates to what you are talking about. I like the font you choose for your writing and how it's easy to read and the colour of the font is simple.

    Next time you could maybe add a background and tell us what you had to do for this activity and add where you got the information from so maybe we could also read about it. You could also add a bit more information about what you learnt.

    Keep up the awesome work
    By Mehakpreet

  2. Hey Koshik,

    I agree with Mehakpreet (even if she's beating me to comment on lots of posts :). )
    The photo looks really cool. The design of the 3D printed hands are really cool aye. Lots of students have thought that they were made up until they did this task. I just think it's awesome that people are working on making cheap hands for people who really need them and that lots of cool thinking and inventing is going into it.

    See you in the comments.

    Daniel :)
